All appointments must be approved!
booking online does NOT secure your appointment unless approved.
you'll receive a text for a request and approval.
Approval is based on location, and our route.Once your appointment is approved, you'll receive an email
please check your email.
A scheduled appointment time can change due to routes, you will receive a text if your appointment time changes.
PLEASE DO NOT UNSUBSCRIBE FROM OUR TEXT - otherwise you will not get updates
Before you book....
quick tips...
- Click link above
- Choose your service based off your pets weight, breed and coat.
- Click "add" to add your service
- Your able to add another service or add on
- Choose any available date and time
Late appointments available Wednesdays and Thursdays!
Regular clients:
- Click sign in
- Please do not make another account.
- click the top right buttons to sign in
New clients:
- Welcome :)
- The booking site will ask for your information, by booking an appointment, the site will make an account for you
WTFMG is typically booked out;
3 weeks for 60lbs + dogs, cats and small animals
1-2 weeks for for dogs up to 60lbs
please book in advance to avoid our cancellation list!
Select menu at the top right of the screen for more!